About workspaces and teams


A workspace is your nodal access space for your Adriel Dashboard where you can connect multiple ad accounts, manage members, and payment settings, and share the Dashboard with other members for collaboration.

Unless you join a workspace through an invitation, you will automatically become the admin of your workspace after you set up an account on Adriel. As an admin, you can invite other members, control their access, and create teams.

If you sign-up via an invitation from members of another workspace, you will automatically be given the level of access assigned by the admins/inviters and share the workspace with the relevant collaborators.

Learn more about roles and permissions and workspace settings.


If your digital advertising campaigns are managed by multiple teams, the admin can create teams within the workspace. Teams make it easier to designate the people for the folder and data source view settings for a group of users. You can create an unlimited number of teams without incurring any extra charges, as long as they are created in the same workspace.

Learn more about How to manage workspace members