Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for Basis
Lastly modified on: Thu, 31st May, 2024 at 10:37 AM
- Basis account
Step 1: Getting Amazon S3 Access Key and Secret
- Login to your AWS dashboard.
- Click [Profile] > [Security credentials] at the upper right of the screen.
- Click "Access Keys" to create Access Key and Secret.
Step 2: Connecting Basis to Adriel
- Move to Adriel's Connections page.
Type "Basis" into the search bar.
- Fill in the 6 required fields accordingly to the account that you want to connect to Adriel. Click "Submit" to proceed.
- Name: Fill in an identifiable name for the data source.
- AWS Access Key: Fill in the access key retrieved at Step 1.
- AWS Secret: Fill in the secret retrieved at Step 1.
- AWS Region
- S3 Bucket: S3 Bucket where data will be stored.
- S3 Export Path - Fill in the 2 required and 1 optional fields.
- (Required)Name
- (Required)Data Type: Choose one data type from the dropdown list.
- (Optional)Brand Name Filter: Use this when you want to filter the data by name. The 'Brand Name Filter' is case-sensitive. Ensure accurate capitalization for optimal results.
Ex) If you write "Adriel" only data written "Adriel" will be aggregated. - Click the “Submit” button below to complete the data connection.
It can take up to one working day for your data to arrive.