How to connect Criteo Retail Media to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for Criteo Retail Media

Lastly modified on: Fri, 21st June, 2024 at 11:34 AM


Criteo Retail Media account


Step 1: Granting Adriel's App with Portfolio access

  1. Move to Adriel's Connections page.
  2. Type “Criteo Retail Media” into the search bar.
  3. Login to Criteo Retail Media you want to connect to Adriel when the pop-up window opens.
  4. Please choose the accounts you want to connect to grant Adriel’s app portfolio access.
  5. Click blue “Approve” button at the bottom to proceed.

Step 2: Connecting Criteo Retail Media to Adriel

  1. Choose the accounts you want to connect among the list of Ad accounts chosen in step 1.
  2. Click the “Submit” button below to complete the data connection.

     It can take up to one working day for your data to arrive.