1. Adriel Academy
  2. Data Source Hub
  3. Integrate - Advertising Portals

How to connect Line Ads to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for Line Ads

Lastly modified on: Wed, 26th Feb, 2025 at 03:20 PM


  • Line Ads account
  • Group ID
  • API Access: To use the connector, you must first enable API access for the relevant Group in your Line Ads account. Reach out to your Line account manager to activate this feature.
    • API Access Key
    • API Secret Key


Step 1: Requesting Line Ads API Access and retrieve Group ID and Keys

  1. Log in to the Line Ads account
  2. Navigate to the [Groups] tab next to the [Home] tab.
  3. Copy the Group ID under the [Groups] tab.
    1. Group ID is in this format: G00000000000
  4. Now, click the Group Name on the list you want to fetch data.
  5. On the specific Group page, click the [Menu] tab on the upper left corner.
  6. Navigate to by clicking the [Group settings] under [Menu] > [Settings] > [Group settings]
  7. Copy the [API access key] and [API secret key] for Step 2.
    1. Save the API access key and API secret key in a secure location. If the secret key is not visible/remembered, click "Regenerate your API secret key."
    2. Reach out to your LINE account manager if the API keys cannot be generated or enabled.

Step 2: Connecting Line Ads to Adriel

  1. Move to Adriel's Connections page.
  2. Type "Line Ads" into the search bar.

  3. For Connection Settings, fill in the 2 required fields according to the account that you want to connect to Adriel.
    Then, click "Submit" to proceed.
    1. Access key: Type in the Access key retrieved in Step 1. 
    2. Secret key: Type in the Secret key retrieved in Step 1.
  4. For Data Source Settings, fill in the 2 required fields according.
    1. Group ID: Type in the Group ID retrieved in Step 1, in the format of G00000000000.
    2. Ad Account: Select an ad account from the dropdown shown when the Group ID is successfully filled in.
  5. Lastly, click the “Submit” button below to complete the data connection.