How to connect NaverGFA to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for NaverGFA

Lastly modified on: Thu, 20th May, 2024 at 03:06 PM


- Naver GFA account 


Step 1: Getting Advertiser ID

  1. Go to Naver GFA Website.
  2. Login to your Naver GFA account. 
  3. Numbers at the end of the URL is the Advertiser ID.

Step 2: Connecting Naver GFA to Adriel

  1. Move to Adriel's Connections page.
  2. Type “NaverGFA” into the search bar.
  3. Fill in the Advertiser ID found at step 1. Click “Submit” to proceed.
  4. Fill in the “Account Name.” Any readable/identifiable name is sufficient. Click “Submit.”
  5. A new data connection will be created on the [Connected data sources] list with a “Pending” sign.
  6. As soon as the settings are checked, an invitation to become a member of Adriel account will be sent via email. Click the link attached to the email and finish the acceptance process.

    - Email Title: [네이버 성과형 디스플레이 광고] 광고 계정의 멤버로 초대 받았습니다.
    - Email Sender(From):
  7. Accept the administration access to Adriel’s account on the redirected page and complete the connection. 

    It can take up to one working day for your data to arrive.