How to connect Naver Search Ads to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for Naver Search Ads

Lastly modified on: Fri, 24th May, 2024 at 03:02 PM


  • Naver Search Ads account


Step 1: Finding Customer ID, Access License, and Private Key

  1. Login to Naver Search Ads.
  2. Click “Tools” > "API Usage Management" at the top menu.
  3. Save your Customer ID, Access License, and Private Key for later use.

Step 2: Connecting Naver Search Ads to Adriel

  1. Move to Adriel’s Connections page.
  2. Type “Naver Search Ads” into the search bar.
  3. Fill in the 3 required fields accordingly to the account that you want to connect to Adriel. Click “Submit” to proceed.
    - Access License: Fill in the Access License found at step 1.
    - Private Key: Fill in the Private Key found at step 1.
    - Customer ID: Fill in the Customer ID found at step 1.
  4. Fill in an identifiable name for the Account name.
  5. Click the “Submit” button below to complete the data connection.

    It can take up to one working day for your data to arrive.