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  2. Connect
  3. Integrate - Advertising Portals

How to connect Walmart Ads to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for Walmart and get your Walmart Advertiser ID.

First of all, you need a Moloco Campaign Manager account in advance. 
If yes, please move to Adriel's Connections page.

Type "Walmart Ads" into the search 


2. Grant Adriel as Walmart API Partner through the Walmart UI. 

  • Refer to this official Walmart documentation link. Scroll down to the <API Partners> section on the page. https://advertisinghelp.walmart.com/s/guides?article=000009334
  • There are two options for access grants. At least read access should be given to Adriel. 
    • Read access
    • Write access: If you want to use ad creation features, write access is needed.
      - "Any API Partner with write access to your account can view and edit every campaign within that account"
  • After the access grant is done, check the Partner Access checkbox and click the "Submit" button. 


3. Enter the following two fields for data source settings.

Refer to this official Walmart documentation to find the below ID and Name. https://advertisinghelp.walmart.com/s/guides?article=000009632

  • Advertiser ID
  • Advertiser Name 
    • The name should only contain the Advertiser Name itself, not the additional information like the advertiser type. Refer to the red part of the below screenshot. 

4. Finally, click the "Submit" button below to complete the data connection and you are done! Please wait, your data will arrive. It can take up to one working day.