How to connect YouTube Public to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up the data source for YouTube Public

Lastly modified on: Thu, 20th June, 2024 at 03:58 PM


  • YouTube account


Step 1: Giving Adriel Access to YouTube Public

  1. Move to Adriel’s Connections page.
  2. Type “YouTube Public” into the search bar.
  3. Click “Sign in with Google” when the pop-up window opens.
  4. Click “Continue” to allow Adriel access to the YouTube account.

Step 2: Connecting YouTube Public to Adriel

  1. Fill in the 2 required fields accordingly to the account that you want to connect to Adriel.
    1. YouTube channels ID: last part of the YouTube channel URL. Refer to the screenshot below.
      1. Multiple channel IDs can be connected by putting ‘,’(comma) at the end of the channel ID.
        ex) @channel1,@channel2,@channel3
      2. If the channel ID includes "@" in front of the channel ID, please include "@" in the input as well. 

    2. Human-readable name: Fill in any identifiable name for the data source.
  2. (Optional) If needed, you can choose the maximum number of videos per channel.
    1. Note that if you have multiple channels and a large number of videos in each channel, it will exceed the daily limit of YouTube support.
  3. Click the “Submit” button below to complete the data connection.

    It can take up to one working day for your data to arrive.