1. Adriel Academy
  2. Connect
  3. Integrate - Analytics Platform

How to upload CSV Files to Adriel

Detailed instructions to help you set up CSV Files as a data source

First, navigate to Adriel's Connections page.

Type "CSV File" into the search 

2. The connection name is automatically set to "default". Press the "Submit" button without further input.

3. Enter a distinguishable name for the CSV file you want to upload, then click the "Submit" button.


4. Upload the CSV file(s) you want to upload. You can upload via drag & drop or file browse. 

  • The file extension is limited to UTF-8 encoded .csv format. Both can be changed on the file settings. 
  • Column header or the first row cannot contain empty columns. 
  • Once the file is uploaded, it will be saved automatically. When you're done, please close the tab. 

5. Once the above process is complete, the data source is successfully connected. 

[Add-on: How to update a data source]

  • Press the gear button to access the data source settings panel, where you can add and delete files to that data source.

  • Once the file is uploaded, it will be saved automatically. When you're done, please close the tab. 
    • To ensure compatibility with other files, all CSV files within one data source must have the same header. If not, please modify the header to match the format of other files.
    • If the column headings are different, start over from Step 1 to create a new data source.